Fahrten Ferne Abenteuer

Abenteuerzentrum Berlin

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Hier schreiben wir über Einblicke aus unseren Projekten

Erasmus+ projects

If it´s not fun, its not sustainable


By Steffi Pardella, FFA TeamA report on our 23 month project Sustainability in action from october 2020 to august 2022. We have successfully completed our first Sustainability in Action project for a Sustainable Green Europe, quality learning, information building and constructive dialogue within education for sustainable development! The project included a total of four mobilities: …

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Using your unique resources and strengths as a youth worker


A report from the youth worker training course “Activate your strengths through art”, 23-31 August 2021, Berlin By Rebecca Baumeister, Germany “Wow, it’s so strange to finally meet you in real life!” This was the greeting I received from one of the participants in the recent third installment of our long-term Erasmus+ project “Activate your …

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Why you should always evaluate your projects – and 3 ways to do it!


A report from planning the third installment of “Activate your strengths through art” By Rebecca Baumeister, Germany In early 2020, our team was faced with a unique challenge: planning an Erasmus+ project during a global pandemic. We knew we had a choice to make – postpone the project or try to organize a digital version.  We …

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An international experience during the pandemic


By Andrada Rus, participant from Romania When the pandemic hit I thought that 2020 would be the year when I`d have to put a stop to connecting with our global tribe of youth. Little did I know back then that rapid prototyping would be embraced to such an unprecedented level that I would end up …

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How to carry out digital Erasmus+ projects: 10 tips for a successful and fun project week!


When I say “Erasmus+ youth exchange”, what is the first image that pops into your head? If you’re like me, it’s probably a big group of international young people sitting together and laughing, working together, and going on exciting adventures.

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Activate your strengths – at home!


By Rebecca Baumeister, Youth Leader and Organizer, Germany How our digital Erasmus+ project helped participants discover their talents and boost their confidence in job interviews. “So where do you see yourself in 5 years?” – “What are your biggest strengths?” – “What are your biggest weaknesses?” – “Why would you like to work at this …

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5 ways to boost your mental health


When was the last time you actively did something to support your mental health? If you are like many of the participants in our recent digital Erasmus+ project, the answer will be something like, “Um … I don’t remember.”

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Migration is natural, borders are not (2018 – 2020)


By Piotrek Warzyszyński eduLARP (Live Action Role Play) steht für eine Kombination aus Rollenspiel, Simulation und Improvisationstheater. Die Teilnehmer*innen spielen Charaktere in der post-apokalyptischen Welt Edinu und versetzen sich dabei in die Gefühle und Gedanken von migrierenden Menschen. So entsteht eine persönliche Verbindung und neue Perspektiven auf weltweite soziopolitische Themen. Dieser Text leitete die Teilnehmer …

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YOUTH breaking down walls, ART for freedom and democracy (2019)


By Ana Dobrescu, FFA Team In der aktionsreichen Projektwoche in Berlin besuchten wir Graffiti-Workshops, eine Street Art Tour und die Erlebnis Europa Exhibition. Wir diskutierten Menschenrechte und Demokratie in der EU und arbeiteten mit kreativen Methoden wie Improvisationstheater, Bodypainting, Postermaking, Graffiti und Modellgestaltung mit Recyclingmaterialien. Höhepunkt der Woche war die Human Rights EUnite,Urban Arts Festival …

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Unser Baumhausprojekt

Die „Baumhaus-Architekten“


Von Jasper Jonas, Betreuer des 2. Baumhauscamps im Abenteuerzentrum Grunewald Eine wunderbare und interessante Erfahrung in den Sommerferien. Anfang Sommerferien 2021 fand bei uns im Abenteuerzentrum Berlin das zweite Baumhauscamp 2021 statt. So wie beim ersten Camp begrüßten wir Trainer alle 15 Jugendlichen zwischen 13 und 16 Jahren als alle anwesend waren, ging es auch …

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Projects financed by Erasmus+ and supported by the German National Agency (JUGEND für Europa).